Securely Safe? Or Safely Secure?
Some words are interchangeable - clever smart, accurate correct, rest relax - but 'security' and 'safety' aren't two of them.
Some words are interchangeable - clever smart, accurate correct, rest relax - but 'security' and 'safety' aren't two of them.
Grief, anxiety, depression - the struggle is really real.
Let’s not sugarcoat it - life is an absolute f*cker sometimes. So how do we make sure we don’t become jaded, cynical and downright bitter?
And “what kinda way is that?” you might ask. Well it ain’t good. Before anyone thinks this is shaping up to be a man bashing piece, full disclosure: I don't hate men. BUT.
...I say to myself under my breath twice a day now. Since my first blog post when I talked about my thinking around maybe freezing my eggs, a lot has happened. I made the decision to do it, I spent [...]
Sharing our stories always feels fragile. It always feels scary and it always feels uncertain. But I’m reminded every time I do it, why I do it. Because life is messy as hell
I talk and write a lot about owning our own timelines in life and eschewing society’s prescribed milestones for us. But is it sometimes unavoidable? Because… biology.
Is it just me, or does life seem to either have us checking those standard life milestone boxes, or packing boxes to build a whole new life of our own doing? Like I did almost eight years ago when I [...]
Consistency is a key part of all trauma healing - to repair and heal from trauma consistency must be present. Especially if trauma was experienced in childhood
I have asked myself this question many times - like when I was trying to salvage my marriage for the third time, or while on many questionable dates, and sometimes even just in the supermarket aisle trying to remember what [...]